dijous, 8 de novembre del 2007

Hello! My name is Carles but anybody is called me Charly. I am 16 years old. I'm in 4 ESO, because I reapet a course. I live in Planoles, in the dark valley, in Pyrenees. I love the cars, quads and all everything what has engine. My favorite anecdote is the one that makes clear that once I led the microbus of the college and my tutor saw me. I live with my mother, Lurdes , my sister, Maria, my brother-in-law, Albert, and my two dogs, Sit and Pipa.

My hobby is dive a cars and a play with a videojoc, World of Warcraft. This is a most videojoc of the world.

I have a hanging quad to buy and when it has it, to flying!!!!!

In these moments I am doing a play the theatre. I'm a coordinating with the music. I have to learn me all the work by memory to know when I have to put the musica in each moment. but it is very bored because alone I have to listen what say and do all the other to know what do and thus to put the songs when touch.